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Public Image Management

Public image and reputation are intricately linked to a company’s corporate strength, values, corporate governance and social standing. Good reputation and good public image carries additional weight, corporate strength and brings extra value in whatever the company engages in.


Image can affect a company’s bottom line. Good image helps companies sell more and raise public perception about its products and services.


It takes years to develop image and reputation, but minutes to lose. It is therefore, crucial for any businesses to develop and maintain a good public image and reputation. The whole idea of public relations is to manage public image and reputation. We advise clients on public image and help them develop strategies on image and reputation management and enhancement.


Image matters because people make assumptions and judgements based on very limited information. When it comes to public domain, perception sometimes becomes more crucial than reality.


In a consumer society, people choose products based on perception, not necessarily quality. Popularity these days, are dictated more by perception than reality. However, we do not advise clients to create ‘fake’ image. We help those companies and brands we are good at work but do not have due reputation and high public image. We help them improve their image based on their due, not create a fake image.


Media Relations with a difference

Doing PR is easy. Understanding the client’s business needs, strategy and then realigning the PR activities is a different ball game and not every PR professional can do that. There are ‘shwarma’ PR agencies who keep churning out press releases knowing that these would not be published. Yet they do it to satisfy the client’s ego.


While most public relations firms offer just press release, press conference services, we offer value added services by brainstorming with the client, understanding his needs and advise accordingly.


We are in a different league. All our efforts are measured and in line with the client’s corporate business needs and objectives.


We are not a run-off-the-mill PR firm. We are communication advisers, trying to help promote the corporate image and reputation of the client.


Our strength lies in understanding of the media, the economic landscape. Once we understand the clients business needs, we then create a long term corporate strategy on its public image development. Then we formulate short and medium term plans that are aligned with a long-term strategy.


Social Media Management

While most PR companies try to show off by adding contents to keep the website busy, we advise clients to go slow and gradually build up campaigns on social media. In the social media activities, we would rather be safe than sorry.


Unless the client needs it, we advise them to use social media carefully and responsibly. We want the client to be respected. You can’t achieve that with cheap status updates. Therefore the activities should reflect that.



Elekta Group

Khushi Group

Al Ghurair Investments

Auris Hotels and Resorts

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Pan Asian Group has a very strong research network on economic issues. We advise clients and publications to develop products where we help enrich contents and package them for greater public consumption and monetise them.


Recently, it has conducted a research report on Air Space Management (ASM) for Airbus Group which was well-received. It also develops concepts for publication and help develop editorial and research-based products, be a book or a periodical, etc.


Conferences help address social, business and economic issues by engaging stakeholders and the economic powers that can reshape our world. Conferences are great marketing tools to promote greater economic causes, address issues and promoted mutual understanding. It helps develop greater understanding among participants and stakeholders who can use the insights for their business development.


Pan Asian Exhibition LLC is licensed to carry out business meetings, networking sessions and conferences that help to build bridges, create greater understandings and create communities.

Bangladesh Economic Forum

Bangladesh Economic Forum is aimed at promoting investment and trade between Bangladesh and the GCC countries. Bangladesh Economic Forum will create awareness among global investors on investment opportunities in Bangladesh and bring the business communities closer to forge partnership to fund high-value and high-return projects in Bangladesh.


Bangladesh Economic Forum was first held on September 15, 2018, which was attended by more than 100 businessmen, investors and professionals. The second edition of the Bangladesh Economic Forum was held, on September 15, 2019.


Bangladesh Economic Forum plans to raise the country’s profile in global markets by identifying growth opportunities and bring international investors closer to Bangladeshi business community to forge partnerships and create a win-win situation for all.


Bangladesh economy is estimated to have grown by 7.9 percent in FY18. Bangladesh is on a growth overdrive that will see its economy growing at 8 percent plus in the next few years which will make it the fastest growing economy in the world.


In order to sustain 8 percent plus GDP growth, Bangladesh needs massive foreign and domestic investment which will create employment and ensure sustainable development.


As Bangladesh Government gears up to increase the flow of investment in to Bangladesh, we, the members of the private sector, feel the need to join the government’s efforts in promoting Foreign Direct Investment in to Bangladesh that will help the country’s economy to record meaningful, inclusive and high-speed growth that will not only boost export earnings, but also create new jobs.


Business Seminar Series

Pan Asian Exhibition organised seminars on US EB5 Business Immigration for a US-based client. These were held twice in 2018 and 2019 in Dubai with moderate success.


Exhibitions are great marketing tools and create platforms for businesses to expand. It brings businesses – buyers and sellers – closer to each other and help build bridges.


Exhibitions help create business networking, communities across countries and regions. Pan Asian Exhibition LLC was created to connect businesses, build bridges for business organisations and create new business alliances and communities.

Bangladesh Property Show

Bangladesh Property Show brings the best of Bangladeshi real estate to the UAE’s consumers.


Bangladeshi expatriates own more than 50,000 business establishments in the UAE, employing more than 150,000 people. NRBs remit more than $2.8 billion (Dh9.1 billion) a year from the UAE to Bangladesh, according to Bangladesh Bank, the country’s central bank.


Investment in Bangladeshi properties has a multiplier effect. Real estate provides the best investment option for NRBs. It not only gives them a secure retirement home, but also offers the best return that money could fetch.


This offers a unique opportunity for Bangladeshi developers who could not display their properties at such a wonderful atmosphere before.

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Investment in Bangladesh real estate sector could not have come at a more opportune time. With property prices under pressure – most developers have reduced prices by 20-30 per cent. Developers in Bangladesh are currently offering heavy discounts on properties. This offers a huge potential for higher return on investment and double the money in a few years’ time.


“The event will also help boost confidence amongst NRBs on Bangladesh property sector where some developers had given a bad name to this important economic sector due to malpractice, delayed delivery schedules,” J. Rashid, a senior insurance executive and a leading member of the Bangladeshi community, says.


“However, the participants of the exhibition are all respected and leading members of the Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) – the national housing association in Bangladesh. Their participation itself will demonstrate the better side of the real estate business of Bangladesh.”

Bangladesh Pavilion at the Global Village 2001, 2002 and 2007

One of the shareholders of Pan Asian Exhibition LLC, part of Pan Asian Group, founded Bangladesh Pavilion at the Global Village in 2001, 2002 and 2007 – in his capacity as a community member.


He led a team of Bangladeshi professionals in setting up Bangladesh Pavilion in 2001 under extreme difficult situation. However, the team pulled the month-long exhibition together with resounding success. All the 32 stalls at the Bangladesh Pavilion displayed and sold authentic Bangladeshi products and services.


The same team organised the Bangladesh Pavilion in 2002. Pan Asian Group shareholder also organised Bangladesh Pavilion in 2007 – for the third time. However, due to the political unrest in Bangladesh with the run up to the infamous ‘1/11, 2007’ or January 11, 2007, four containers with Bangladeshi goods were stuck at Chittagong Port and could not be shipped to Dubai for the timely display and sale at the Global Village.

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Malaysia Pavilion 2004

One of the shareholders of Pan Asian Group was also approached by the then Malaysian Consul General and Senior Trade Commissioner Mr Mustafa Abdul Aziz to help in organising Malaysian Pavilion in 2004. As a result, the organiser single-handedly organised Malaysian Pavilion that had Petronas Towers as its façade. About 36 stalls displayed Malaysian products and services at the Global Village.


Pan Asian Group company Pan Asian Media MFZ-LLC is engaged in publishing a monthly business magazine, Gulf Property (, Gulf Yearbook, as well as a book, The Visionaries and an annual business publication – Indian Business Directory, Bangladesh Business Directory – which it has been publishing since 2001.

Pan Asian Media also published two high-quality publications – Brandscape UAE and Bangladesh Marches Ahead – two supplements printed by Al Nisr Publishing and distributed with Gulf News.



Gulf Property

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Gulf Property is a progressive monthly business publication dealing with the Middle East’s real estate, construction, building materials, interiors and lifestyle sectors.  Published by Pan Asian Media MFZ-LLC, it is printed and distributed with Gulf News with a print run of 20,000 copies every month. Launched in October 2008 – when the global financial crisis hit the Gulf economies like a tsunami and wiped out gains in the real estate and construction sectors.


A few continued their journey in the economically most challenging and trying times where only the fittest could survive. Gulf Property is one of them. It is the only recession-proof real estate magazine to have continued its publication when all others disappeared.


Gulf Property has overcome the challenges of the current economic recession and has successfully completed 10 years of publishing, without a fail till December 2018 – at a time when most other publications in the same field has either collapsed or disappeared. Within this difficult phase, it has not only continued publication, but also has, in fact, maintained the same size, print run and high standard, without compromising on the quality. Gulf Property is different, better and offer real value to readers.


The magazine thrives on providing news and information that its readers would be interested in and find real value in. A team of experts work in advance to select a series of topics and issues that are close to the hearts of hundreds of real estate professionals and to thousands of investors. People with a wealth of knowledge on real estate and construction have been engaged to provide the real time information and market intelligence report for the readers.


The Visionaries

Pan Asian Media in June 2014 published a non-fiction book, The Visionaries: Extraordinary Stories of the UAE’s Economic Miracles Through The Eyes of Indian Visionaries – which is available at all the major bookstores. The 440-page hard-bound book is a celebration of entrepreneurship in the UAE – a country that has given birth of so many entrepreneurs. The book compiles business profiles of 32 extraordinary entrepreneurs and their life struggle to overcome the odds.


The Visionaries also tries to explain the economic miracle of the UAE that has transformed itself to a major economic powerhouse within the span of just 50 years – from a collection of a few fishing settlements in the 1960s.


When history is being made, most people living through the moment do not realise that they are part of a great story taking shape. When the Burj Khalifa was rising storey by storey, a billboard screamed – History Rising! But how many people realised its true significance?


Most people drove past, dismissing it as another billboard showcasing a real estate project – one of hundreds at that point of time. But history did rise in Dubai. Burj Khalifa, in a way, symbolises the creation of an economic miracle called Dubai. From a wider perspective, what the UAE has achieved since its independence in 1971 could well be a case study at Harvard University or Wharton School, from which MBA students and public policymakers can take many lessons.

Unfortunately, there are not much documented academic historical references to the UAE’s phenomenal growth and progress. In reality, this country has compressed the typical development of 200+ years into a span of just 40-50 years – thanks to its visionary leadership. However, a government’s vision can’t become a reality if the business community does not follow through to develop a vibrant private sector. For that, you need visionary entrepreneurs and businessmen.

In this book, 32 visionary entrepreneurs talk of how they worked tirelessly to create their own businesses and contribute to their adoptive country’s economy, in line with the UAE government’s vision. The Visionaries is, in a way, a reflection of the economic history of the UAE – which many foreigners find nothing short of a miracle.

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When it comes to finding a book to read and understand how this economic miracle took place, there seems to be a shortage of references. In the absence of a formally written economic history, the author has tried to paint the picture of the UAE’s economic progress through the eyes of 32 Non-resident Indian businessmen – representing the largest expatriate community in the UAE and several economic verticals.


The book is not an attempt to narrate the economic history of the UAE – which is best left to historians – but an animated conversation that reflects on the country’s great experiment with economy and its outstanding achievements


This book does not try to narrate the economic history of the emirate, but tries to explain it through the inspiring stories of 32 visionaries. A must read for those who want to know more and importantly, want to understand how the economic miracle was created!

Gulf Yearbook

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Gulf Yearbook is an annual publication that chronicles the most important global, regional and national events that help reshape public lives. It’s a collectors’ item with in-depth research and analyses on selected topics for those who want to know and care about life.


In addition to the chronology of the most important events that shapes our lives and the world, the 300-400 page Gulf Yearbook will also run analyses and executive opinion on key issues and developments.


Gulf Yearbook will fulfil a very significant information and knowledge gap prevailing in the market for decision-makers, business leaders, academicians, researchers and students. The publisher would like to print more than 27,500 copies to help penetrate the corporate and highly placed professionals, businessmen, academicians, researchers, students, etc.


The product offers unrivalled opportunity for marketing and advertisement for companies, brands that want to be part of a prestigious and noble cause.


Brandscape UAE

Brandscape UAE is the celebration of UAE’s home-grown brands that have made their marks in the regional and global markets, including Emirates, Lulu, Emaar, Adnoc, Etihad Airways, FlyDubai, etc.


In the process of growing up, our first interaction with commodities, products and services start with certain logos that represent products and brands. We start identifying milk with Nido or Nestle, butter with Lurpak, cheese with Craft. Then comes the stage of soft drinks – Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Seven Up, Fanta and Sprite etc. Most children in this part of the world are spoilt with McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hardees or Pizza Inn ­– the so called ‘junk food’ we all love to eat and hate at the same time.


In many ways, these brands represent the economic might of a country’s economy. These are not only symbols of what the West has achieved over the last few centuries, but they reflect a culture, a way of life. We boast of an Armani suit or a piece of shirt bought from Marks & Spencer, but we do not take pride in a local brand – not because they are of less quality, but because they are not famous.

Over the last 50 years, the UAE has given birth to a large number of brands that one could be proud of. Starting from Emirates Airline, DP World, Lulu Hypermarket, RAK Ceramics, Danube, Splash, Max, Babyshop, Al Rawabi to Elekta, Geepas, Nikai and Touchmate – the country has witnessed many of these brands go regional and international.


Emirates Airline has been named the biggest airline brand globally this year with a brand value exceeding $5.5 billion, by Brand Finance – a global consultancy on branding. RAK Ceramics, currently ranked as the world’s biggest ceramic tiles and sanitaryware manufacturer with an annual turnover exceeding $1 billion. This is something that everyone in the UAE could be and should be proud of.

Private entrepreneurs are also following government-led organisations in brand-building. Landmark Group has created more than a dozen brands that now control the region’s fashion retail and hospitality sectors. In the tourism sector, home-grown UAE brands such as Jumeirah, Rotana, Coral, Auris, Citymax hotels are complimenting the growth of the sector while in the consumer electronics and home appliances, brands such as Geepas, Elekta, Nikai and Touchmate are giving their global rivals a run for their money.

These brands reflect the strength of the UAE economy – where public and private sector are complimenting each other and creating the right synergies. They also reflect entrepreneurship and resilience of the country’s economy.

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Brandscape UAE is an idea evolved to reflect on the UAE’s economic success, to take a deeper look into what goes into building a world-class brand. It is a reflection of the local entrepreneurial spirit. It also tries, in a lighter way, to examine the strength of the local brands – which we all could be proud of.

Bangladesh Marches Ahead

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Bangladesh, which is known to create headlines mostly for the wrong reasons, has been an outstanding success story – a story that has not been told properly and completely to the global audience. The South Asian country has come a long way – silently but steadily – during the last 44 years of its existence, in fighting poverty, child mortality, illiteracy, malnutrition, gender parity and health. It is a country that has been battered by military rule, devastated by famine, challenged by natural disasters – cyclone, floods and draughts.


However, the country of 160 million people has now become self-sufficient in food-grain production – from being a country of acute food shortages in the 1970s – when its population was less than half, or 75 million.


Although the country’s vast population that are squeezed within a low-lying landmass of 144,000 square kilometres have their share of misfortunes – it nevertheless stands as a good example of progress and prosperity.

Bangladesh’s GDP jumped more than four-folds in two decades when it has halved poverty and extreme poverty while increasing primary and secondary enrolment and reducing literacy – it is currently on its way to become a middle-income country by 2021 when it celebrates its Golden Jubilee.


Despite having its share of challenges and disasters – both natural and man-made ones – Bangladesh has succeeded in meeting most of the goals set by the United Nations under the Millennium Development Goals (MGDs). Moreover, the country is now shifting government services towards online platform under the Digital Bangladesh programme. It is also expanding physical and soft infrastructure to accelerate GDP growth to 8-10 per cent.

However, despite these positive achievements, the country’s image continues to suffer. International and public perception about Bangladesh has not been very positive ­– except for Professor Muhammad Younus’ Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 and a few occasions where Bangladeshi Tigers upset the leading cricketing countries.


Bangladesh Special Report is an attempt to try and change the perception of a country on the move. In this issue, we have tried to rely on credible statistics and reports released by the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the United Nations. Some of the facts are mind-boggling and will surprise readers, including even Bangladeshis.

Business Directories

Bangladesh Business Directory

The annual Bangladesh Business Directory – UAE is aimed to promote Bangladeshi investments into the UAE and foreign direct investment into Bangladesh from the GCC region. It is also aimed at promoting Bangladeshi business community in the UAE.


Bangladesh, as a nation, is on the move and its economy has been growing at 6.2 per cent over the last six years at the backdrop of a global recession. The country’s socio-economic progress has been an outstanding success story – a story that has not been told properly and completely to the global audience. The South Asian country has come a long way – silently but steadily – during the last 44 years of its existence, in fighting poverty, child mortality, illiteracy, malnutrition, gender parity, and health. It is a country that has been battered by military rule, devastated by famine, challenged by natural disasters – cyclone, floods and draughts.


However, the nation of 160 million people has now become self-sufficient in food-grain production – from being a country of acute food shortages in the 1970s – when its population was less than half, or 75 million. The country’s per capita gross domestic product (GDP) has already crossed $1,192 – jumping more than three times in two decades when it has reduced poverty while increasing primary and secondary enrolment and reducing literacy – it is currently on its way to become a middle-income country by 2021 when it celebrates its Golden Jubilee.


Moreover, the country is now shifting government services towards online platform under the Digital Bangladesh programme. It is also expanding physical and soft infrastructure to accelerate GDP growth to 8-10 per cent.


Nearly 10 million Bangladeshis live, work and do business in foreign countries and they collectively remit more than $14.75 billion to the country every year. More than 1 million Bangladeshis live in the UAE and they own about 20,000 business entities, employing nearly 100,000 people.

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Indian Business Directory

Indian Business Directory and Investment Handbook – UAE is an annual publication based on 50,000-strong database of Indian-owned companies in the UAE.


The contents of the directory include an investment handbook, a business guide spread into many segments that include: Investment climate in India; Doing business in India; Economic opportunities in India; Sourcing products and services from India; List of more than 50,000 Indian-owned companies in the UAE; Profiles of prominent Indian businessmen in the UAE and basic facts on India and UAE-India relations.


This complete glossy colourful publication is circulated among investors, senior government officials, members of the diplomatic corps, decision makers, industrial and professional groups, libraries, archives, research institutions for free of cost. More than 25,000 copies (up to 100,000 copies) are distributed in the GCC and India free of charge.

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